Path of the Artemist

A unique mentorship program to level up your creative practice


Artemist /art eh mist /


1. Artist x Alchemist. One who undergoes a magical process of transformation whereby their mind, body and spirit align to fulfil their true calling.

2. One who has awakened to the creative power of their will and has claimed the sacred right to summon forth any reality they wish.

3. Manifestor of dreams. Manipulator of reality. Leader of one’s own destiny.

If you choose to walk the Path of the Artemist, you will find it no easy task.

You must be willing to step into the wilderness, beyond the shores of comfort, and face the trials that lay there in order to claim authorship of your life…

It takes great courage, humility and determination to follow one’s true calling; that’s why many dreams remain in the aether, destined to float for an eternity unrealised. But for you, perhaps it will be a different story…

This game is a symbolic journey to awaken & invigorate your creative practice.

It’s for you if:

You know you’re capable of more but don’t know where or how to begin.

You feel resistance to, or avoidance around, engaging with your passions.

You lack the self belief to commit to your creativity.

You will…

✓ Step into new levels of self awareness & be asked to face the ways that you hold your genius at bay.

✓ Restore a deeper connection with your truest expression of self.

✓ Clarify your creative goals & devise a plan to fulfill them.

✓ Learn how to honour yourself & stay true to your vision throughout your process.

✓ Develop habits to maintain wellbeing and vitality in your practice.

✓ Be held accountable to your dreams.

✓ Birth a body of work with guidance & feedback along the way.

Throughout this six month journey, you will be initiated into your Artemistry by completing a series of Quests & journeying through all four Realms of the game map…

  1. The Realm of Presence

The budding Artemist undertakes quests to prepare their mind for the journey ahead. They learn that the power to transform themselves and their experience of reality exists only in the present.

They learn to attune themselves to the moment and to identify the energies that compel their thoughts and actions. In doing so, they begin to understand themselves as cultivators of reality rather than passive participants. The initiate will be asked to face the past and unwind themselves from the stories that bind them to it. The Realm of presence teaches the initiate the process of alchemising their thoughts and actions so that their energy and attention may be directed into service of their truth rather than their fear.

2. The Realm of Clear Sight

The initiate will venture onward to explore the energy of inspiration, and will revisit lost dreams and passions to reawaken, define and invigorate their personal gifts and purpose.

This realm will allow the Awakening Artemist to summon forth the beginning threads of their creative project and develop a clear sense of their personal values so that they can begin to direct their own path forward.

They will be asked to create increasingly more space in their lives to play with and explore what they truly love.

3. The Realm of Aligned Action

The initiate will be required to take the first steps toward pulling the threads of their creative project into the real world. The cultivation of a creative project is the cornerstone of true Artemistry; it is proof that the initiate is able to turn dreams into physical matter and thus, alter reality itself.

In this realm, the initiate will define their creative landmarks. These are checkpoints of accomplishment that will guide their journey toward the manifestation of their creative project. In doing so, they will align their personal gifts and actions to their values and purpose.

4. The Realm of Surrender

The initiate will learn what it means to fully surrender themselves to their Artemistry. Not surrender in defeat, but surrender to the ecstatic flow of the creative current. A true Artemist understands that they are a vessel for the current of creation to flow through; they need only keep saying yes to life’s opportunities and taking leaps of faith in order to keep riding the wave of creativity into the fullest realisation of their dreams.

They will be asked to shake the shackles of fear by undergoing courage challenges and they will release their creative project into the world as a symbol of their newfound power to transmute dreams into matter. 

Track your progress through the game by moving your player’s amulet around the map


1 x Luxury Bespoke Player’s Pack

This pack contains the player’s quests, rune-tokens and handpicked crystal amulet; a carrier pouch / casting mat; handpicked journal, oracle deck, ceremony kit & World of Artemistry map

29 x Quests to complete

i.e. worksheets & journaling prompts to nurture your creative practice

22 x Rune Tasks

i.e. integration tasks and creative challenges to keep your creative channel open

4 x Initiation Videos

Cinematic, instructional videos to guide you through the game as you unlock each Realm

12 x 1:1 60 minute Coaching Sessions with Madison Levi

This equates to fortnightly sessions for 6 months, as well as message communication between calls

Access to The Artemist’s Guild facebook group

Exclusive offers & discounts are presented here upon completion of the game

“Once we cast an intention, it cannot be uncast. Once we have bravely spoken our desires into the space beyond us, we set in motion a series of events designed to test whether we are true to our word.

It’s through this process that our strengths are revealed & we find ourselves on the path of our unfolding dream.”

— Game Master

  • In essence, this is a 6 month mentorship program to move you through mental-emotional blocks around your creativity and to assist you in cultivating a sustainable art practice that nourishes you as you develop a small body of work. The work that you develop is entirely up to you. It can be musical or it can intersect with other art forms.

    Once accepted into the game, you will be scheduled in for your first 1:1 coaching session with the Game Master (Madison) and will receive your luxury boutique player’s pack which contains all the essential elements needed to play the game. This pack will also contain instructions on how to set up your map, creativity alter and rune casting pouch.

    You will also be prompted to access the Content Cauldron which contains the initiation videos for each stage of the game.

    Watching the first initiation video signifies the commencement of the game. You must then cast your runes to divine your creative tasks and, additionally, complete the quests to progress through the game map.

    The fortnightly 1:1 coaching sessions are check-in points to offer you support, guidance and accountability as you journey through the game.

    I am particular about who I choose to work with in this capacity as it requires a level of trust between us and for you to be committed to your own path.

    This program is for those who are ready to devote themselves to their growth as humans and artists - those who know they are being called to more.

    It’s helpful if you have a sense of how I work and feel a strong resonance with it. For this reason, there will be a screening process for all applicants who enquire. Once you’ve sent through an application form, I’ll be in touch to organise a free 30 minute consultation so that we can discuss your goals and get a feel for working with one another.

    You’ll then be shortlisted and notified if your application has been successful. If your application is unsuccessful in the present round, you will be contacted and given the opportunity to re-apply in the following round.

    If you have any questions or want to discuss further, feel free to contact me via the form on the homepage of this site.

    If you’re sure that you’d like to step into this process, please fill out the application form below.

  • You can choose to pay upfront or on a payment plan.

    The investment for this program is $1200 upfront or $220 per month if you choose to pay in installments ($1320 total) .

    Payment plans will be auto debited each fortnight or month depending on your preference.

  • The coaching sessions will be held 1:1 for one-hour each fortnight.

    They include:

    Assessment and harmonising of personal problem areas.

    Custom rituals & integration prompts for wellness and flow.

    Feedback and support as you develop new intimacy with your creative path

    and birth a body of work.

So, Are you ready to awaken your inner Artemist?